Will My Rates Go Up?

One of the most frequent questions I get when I meet with clients, and even from friends, is will my rates go up if I make a claim? Here’s my…

I Damaged My Car But No One Was At-Fault. Should I Make a Claim?

In general the question to this question is…..Possibly. Lawyerly answer right? Let me explain. Let’s say to back into a mailbox, hit your garage pulling in, or something along those…

Catastrophic Injury Definition

Catastrophic Injury Definition Despite the pain you may feel after an accident has occurred, a catastrophic injury is categorized higher than other injuries. The reason is based on your ability…

Drowsy Driving

Drowsy Driving Driving drowsy doesn’t always result in falling asleep at the wheel, although that is a common danger. It can also mean simply feeling tired enough that your driving…

The Impact Rule

Understanding the Impact Rule in Personal Injury Cases The impact rule is an important element of personal injury law in Florida, with adherence to this principle a requirement if a…

Florida Dog Bite Laws

If a dog in Florida has bitten you, it is important to understand your rights. Some bites can be particularly vicious, requiring medical attention and possibly physical therapy before full…

Uber Accidents: Who is Liable?

Many people enjoy using ride share services because it is a cheap and convenient means of travel. However, accidents do happen. If you are riding in an Uber and an…

Involved in an Accident While on Vacation in Florida? How We Can Help You!

Orlando is a vacation destination for people across the globe. You’ve earned and planned your vacation, and you certainly didn’t expect to suffer a broken leg in a car accident.…

Why Lane Change Car Accidents are so Common

Why Lane Change Car Accidents are so Common According to the latest statistics, reckless driving causes 33 percent of all car accidents, of which unsafe lane changes comprise a large…

Eating and Driving: Driver Safety

Eating and Driving: Driver Safety According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, eating while driving makes you 80 percent more likely to be involved in an accident. Additionally, 65…