Knowledgeable Lawyers Can Represent Clients Who Have Suffered Various Types Of Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing home abuse can take many forms, and if your loved one is in a nursing home facility, you must be familiar with all of them. Some of the many types of nursing home abuse include:
- Physical abuse: this can include intentional abuse, such as hitting or kicking a nursing home resident, or neglect that leads to physical injuries such as bedsores or dehydration.
- Sexual abuse: if a patient is sexually harassed or forced to engage in a sexual act against his or her will, this is considered sexual abuse.
Psychological abuse: this is a form of emotional or mental abuse, and can occur when someone yells, insults, humiliates, or threatens the safety of a nursing home resident.
- Financial abuse: if a nursing home staff member begins to take advantage of a resident and gain access to his finances, this is considered financial abuse.
- Neglect: this often occurs when a nursing home is understaffed, but it could occur when staff members act carelessly or negligently. With neglect, residents are not given the attention they deserve, so they could be deprived of food, water, or medications.
- Resident on resident abuse: if the nursing home employees allow residents to abuse other residents, this is referred to as resident on resident abuse.
If you believe your loved one is a victim of any of these types of abuse, it’s strongly recommended you contact an attorney as soon as possible. Your loved one’s health and safety is at risk–don’t delay in seeking legal representation.
Orlando Law Firms Will Make Nursing Home Abusers Pay For Their Actions
Abuse and neglect in nursing homes is far too common, and it needs to stop. Florida nursing abuse attorneys can help you seek justice on behalf of the resident who has been neglected by negligent staff members. Mistreatment in nursing homes is a blight on the state of Florida. The Horst Law Firm vigorously fights nursing home abuse and aggressively represents its victims. Experienced lawyer Robert J. Horst handles cases related to elder abuse in nursing homes that include but are not limited to:

- Injuries resulting from falls and other avoidable accidents
- Dehydration and malnutrition
- Bed sores
- Physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse
- Financial exploitation including forgery and theft
- Medical malpractice
An Orlando Lawyer Can Protect Your Loved One’s Health and Safety In Nursing Home
If you have loved ones in nursing homes or assisted living facilities, it’s important to look for signs of nursing abuse or neglect every time you see him or her. If you find signs of abuse, protect your loved one’s health and safety by contacting one of the top Orange County lawyers. Robert J. Horst has years of experience handling serious claims of abuse, and he will fight on behalf of your family to determine liability and recover compensation. Contact The Horst Law Firm today to learn what legal services we can provide for your case.
The Help Nursing Home Abuse Victims Need Is Right Here At Horst Law Firm
When reporting elder abuse, don’t neglect to consult with a personal injury attorney. Fighting elder abuse and neglect in nursing homes is a priority at the Horst Law Firm. When you need an experienced Orlando personal injury attorney to help you fight neglect, abuse, and the mistreatment of an elderly loved one, you’ll also want a lawyer who can offer trustworthy legal advice tailored to your specific problems and goals. Attorney Robert J. Horst represents victims in personal injury cases involving nursing home abuse, premises liability, product liability, dog bites, truck accidents, brain injuries, construction accidents, car accidents, bicycle accidents, boating accidents, motorcycle accidents, and slip and fall accidents in the Orlando area, Kissimmee, St. Cloud, and throughout central Florida. Please contact experienced Robert J. Horst by phone at (407) 601-3999, or complete the online intake form here on our website to schedule a free consultation. If your elderly loved one has been injured by another person’s negligence at a nursing home facility in the greater Orlando area, don’t wait to call our offices to begin the process of filing a nursing home abuse claim.